Roccy’s Top 18 IUL List (Hot off the Presses (2024 Update))

Click on the following to DOWNLOAD my Top 18 IUL Report

The report is 20 pages long and lists in order IULs with the best:

1) Cash accumulation
2) Tax-free retirement cash flow (highest loan amounts)

Two Comparisons Grids

In the download are TWO different comparison grids. One with the company’s best illustrated rate (many are VCIs) and one where we compare ONLY the S&P 500 cap product.

The following companies are rated in the download

What Companies are Moving Up or Down?

Moved 8 spots—North America/Midland
Moved 8 spots—Securian (MN Life)
Moved 5 spots—Allianz
Moved 4 spots—ANICO
Moved 3 spots—Columbus Life
Moved 2 spots—Mutual of Omaha

Partial Preview

2024 Updated IUL Rate of Return Probability Chart (a MUST-Download)!

To download the IUL ROR probability chart, click on the following link:

With most IULs now using the S&P 500 as the primary crediting strategy, it’s vitally important for advisors to understand the probability of a product generating a certain rate of return over time.

Sneak preview—an IUL with a 10% cap has only a 26.9% chance of generating a 6.0% ROR.

Pac Life, Ameritas, Mutual of Omaha, and Columbus Life ALL have caps of 10% or less!

And all of them use as a default” illustrated rate in EXCESS of 6% (WTF?)

OnPointe Retirement Planner & IUL Income
Sign up for more info!

OnPointe’s Retirement Planning Software is the ONLY software in the industry that can add data directly from an IUL illustration to show tax-free borrowing and its positive effect on a client’s retirement income.

To sign up to learn more about this powerful tool and how it can help you communicate the value of an IUL to clients for retirement cash flow, click on the following link:

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